The dead and stones are equal. All the dead hear the voice of the stone, they hear the voice of the plant, they hear it without distinction between living and inanimate objects. The signs that appear on the surface of the stone are a message to those who see it, a song that has been thrown. The green glimmer of plants is another. These are its voice, faint but clear.
The dead also go back or forward in time to meet the ghosts of that day and time. As the ghosts wander through time, the dead give each of them a stone. The ghosts then entrust their memories to the stone.
The most remarkable thing is that the dead are then with the living.
死者はまた、時間を遡り、あるいは時間を進んでその日、そのときの幽霊に会う。 幽霊は時間をさまよっているので、死者はそれぞれに石を渡す。そうして幽霊は記憶を石に託す。